Saturday, April 26, 2008

Conference Time is HERE!

I just love this time of year! Not only are the flowers blooming, but genealogical conferences are too!

Last weekend was the Ohio Genealogical Society's annual conference. Over 600 attendees and vendors made for a great 3-day event in the Cincinnati area. Conference Chair, Kenny Burck, did an outstanding job as ever. A big thanks to him and his crew for a job well done.

Now it's off to Kansas City for the National Genealogical Society's conference May 14-17. See details at </">>. Four days of conference for this one. Not only are there fantastic speakers, but the range of items in the vendor hall is overwhelming. As a few examples, WillowBend Books, Maia's Books, the Ohio Genealogical Society, Dick Eastman, RootsMagic, plus many, many others. The vendor hall is open to the public, so stop by and see what's available in genealogical programs and books.

If you have never been to a conference, it would be one of the best learning experiences for you. Topics vary from beginners to the advanced and all areas in between.

So get the comfy shoes and "get out there!"

-- Aunt Merle

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